“Londvolota” is an isiSwathi word that means “to preserve, support, incubate, safeguard, grow”. And that is what we aim to do with each supplier that is brought on board, through close partnership, meaningful support and a shared vision.
The Londvolota journey started in 2015 with only 7 Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) under development. By 2017, we had worked with 92 SMEs, with some of those SMEs having received a total of R202 Million Purchase Orders; and by 2020, this number had increased to 116 with a total of R250 Million Purchase Orders across GE businesses.
Our structure
- Londvolota Investment Trust
The Investment Trust holds 25% + 1 vote shares in GE South Africa - Londvolota Enterprise Development Pty Ltd
Company mandated to deliver Enterprise and Supplier services to GE in South Africa - Londvolota Development Trust
The Development Trust activates programmes for education and entrepreneurial development
Broad-Based Black Empowerment Act of 2003
The Londvolota Trust complies with the Broad-Based Black Empowerment Act of 2003, which legislates on the development and empowerment of the broad base of South Africans, who were historically marginalised by legislation during Apartheid from participation in the South Africa economy.